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/RENEWABLE MARKET WATCH/ The anticipated from many investors and developers in Poland first draft of the regulation of Polish Ministry of Economy, which determines referential prices of electricity generated from renewable energy sources for 2016 was published on 15 September 2015.
The anticipated from many investors and developers Poland first draft of the regulation of Polish Ministry of Economy, which determines referential prices of electricity generated from renewable energy sources for 2016 was published on 15 September 2015.
According to the Polish RES Act , photovoltaic power plants (and other renewable also), which become operational after 1 January 2016 have to compete in auctions organized by the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO). Therefore the prices offered by the bidders on these auctions cannot exceed the above mentioned referential prices. In this respect referential prices should be treated in fact as the maximum bid price levels. Winners in these auctions shall be selected in two stages. First one is pre-qualification stage whilst second one is the real auction stage.
Mandatory targets of the Directive 2009/28/EC on the Promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources set by EU for Poland are 15 % by 2020. According to Polish National Renewable Energy Action Plan (2010), intermediate country’s target is 11.9 % share of RES-electricity in gross final consumption of electricity by the end of 2015, and this goal at the moment is far away from fulfillment.
What are exact referential prices for solar PV power plants above 1 MW and under 1 MW in Poland ? How the auctions will be organized and take place? What is market dynamics and forecast for market development to 2025? Answers to all these questions you will find out in Renewable Market Watch’s latest Q4 2015 update after in-depth analysis of Polish solar PV market. To access this valuable information just visit: