Wind power resource

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To determine optimal ways of renewable energy development it is necessary on the national level to have a general assessment of potential made of renewable energy sources on the assumption of existing at present stage technological possibilities of their use. Practically in all the CIS states such work has been done or is being done at present.
The CIS countries are representing a world region with huge wind potentials, but where so far wind energy plays only a marginal role. According to Renewable Market Watch total cumulative wind power installations in CIS countries have reached 586 MW (0.58 GW) at the end of 2014, a very small share of the global cumulative installed wind power capacity of 337 GW in 2014.
The total wind power potential of CIS region according to World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) is estimated at 486.2 GW. Looking at the above number whereas only 586 MW (0.58 GW) of wind power capacity is installed by the end of 2014, means that less than 1 % of the explored wind potential is utilized in practice.
CIS countries have significant renewable energy resources potential as the wind energy is prevailing source. It occupies 16.4% world territory where about 4.4% world population live. The part of CIS has about 20% of world oil supply, 40% of natural gas, 25% of coal and 10% of electric power production.
However, situation at CIS countries wind energy market is about to change in positive growth direction. Besides Ukraine, which is undisputed leader by means of installed wind power capacity amongst CIS countries, Russia and Kazakhstan also have their ambitions to take serious share from this market. The latest update information about situation of wind power industry in CIS state you will find here.

Role of Distribution System

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Distribution System Operators (DSOs) play an important role in the electric sector and renewable energy market particularly of CEE and SEE countries. Besides developing and managing the distribution network, which takes electricity the last mile to individual homes and businesses, DSOs are, in most countries in charge of other responsibilities such as grid connection of renewable energy power plants metering, settlement, public lighting, supply of last resort and some other public service obligations.

Effective competition in electricity markets is expected to take place and, for that, DSOs’ contribution is of the utmost importance. Distribution networks along with transmission networks are the physical link between generators and consumers and an open and non-discriminative access to the networks is an important pre‐requisite for a well-functioning electricity market, which can manage better increasing share of renewable energy production. Providing information to the market participants and participating in the process of customers changing supplier are other important ways in which DSOs contribute to the achievement of effective competition in electricity markets and providing renewable energy power producers with better service.

The challenges of climate change the whole world is facing and the continued increase in energy demand will highly affect and impact on DSOs. Distribution networks must be able to integrate in a planned manner all renewable energy generation technologies, including decentralized generation, to manage electric vehicles in a significant quantity, to encourage demand side to play a role, providing consumers with greater information and choice of supply and to deliver enhanced levels of reliability and security of supply. Distribution grids will become smart, enabling this transition to a low carbon economy. This change may also have an impact on the business model of distribution of electricity, with some potential changes in the DSOs’ role and activities.

To answer the challenges of transition to smart grids and new concepts of development of DSOs European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids association was established. EDSO for Smart Grids is now representing European Distribution System Operators which serve more than 124 million customers in Europe. EDSO for Smart Grids was founded to structure, lead and enhance, not for profit cooperation between European distribution system operators for electricity as well as to assure, manage, represent and promote their common interests, specifically on Smart Grids development and implementation.
More information about the important role of DSOs and smart grids for further growth of renewable energy market of CEE and SEE countries, you may read here.

Renewable Investments

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